Reaching the whole value chain - The added value of a European Network of Living Labs and Research Infrastructures
What are the benefits of a European network of Agroecology Living Labs (LLs) and Research Infrastructures (RIs)? ALL-Ready synthesised the potential added value of a European Network of Agroecology LLs and RIs. The synthesis is based on an analysis of the key challenges and needs of agroecology LLs and RIs, integrating insights from an inventory of LLs and RIs, pilot network workshops and interviews with a selection of LLs, RIs and funding organisations across Europe.
Expected key benefits from participating and funding a European Network of Agroecology LLs and RIs include:
- strengthened networking and collaboration (including regional networking modules or clusters),
- supporting long-term funding strategies,
- enhanced portfolios of research and innovation activities promoting synergies between different ecosystem functions, and
- strengthened knowledge creation, exchange and diffusion resulting in further improvements in organisational aspects of the living labs and research infrastructures, and thus more effective governance.
A main role of such a European Network was also seen in raising awareness of topics and impacts of transitions to sustainable farming and food systems for wider society (e.g. social aspects of access to healthy food), which has the potential to increase motivation of wider food systems actors to engage in LLs. An important added value of a European Network would be to reach the entire value chain, from seed producers to consumers, promoting value chain solutions (e.g. improving quality standards and improving access to markets) and supporting the creation of circular and solidarity economies.
The report on the added value of a European Network of Agroecology LLs and RIs can be accessed here.