Pilot Network
One of the main aims of ALL-Ready project is to establish a pilot network, including agroecology living labs, research infrastructures and other open innovation arrangements from Europe. The pilot network is a testbed to experiment and give feedback on the tools and recommendations developed in the ALL-Ready project, to assess the needs and expectations of the network and to build cooperation between the different agroecology-focused living labs and research infrastructures across Europe.
The pilot network allows real-life experimentation on the structuring and functioning of the future European network based on co-creative and participatory methods and the lessons learnt can directly inform the setting up of the future network and EU partnership.
Composition of the pilot network
The initial selection process, identified 15 pilot members in the 13 partner countries. The ALL-Ready pilot network has been launched in December 2021. Out of the selected members, eight identify as agroecological Living Labs, seven as agroecological research infrastructures. In addition to the 15 members, two external advisor initiatives support the work of the network: Agricultural Climate Solutions from Canada and Guadalinfo from Spain.
When setting up the pilot network an important goal was to achieve an even distribution of geographical representation, scale of users, maturity level, scope of activities and agroecology scale. Furthermore individual criteria have been distinguished on living lab and research infrastructure level, assuring that initiatives comply with the features of an agroecology living lab or research infrastructure.
Follow the links to check the introduction presentation slides of the network members:
Living Labs (LLs):
- Belgium - LLAEBIO (Living Lab on Agro-Ecology and Organic Farming in Flanders)
- Hungary – ÖMKi On-Farm Living Lab
- Serbia – PA4ALL (Precision Agriculture for All)
- Denmark – Carbon Farm, ROADMAP
- France – Occitanum
- UK - Innovative Farmers
Research Infrastructures (RIs):
- Spain - LifeWatch ERIC
- Denmark – CROPSYS, CBIO, Organic Research, Development and Demonstration Program, ReWet DK
- France – OasYs, LTSER Zone Atelier Plaine & Val de Sèvre
- UK – Institute for Sustainable Food
- Canada – Agricultural Climate Solutions (LL&RI)
- Spain – Vuela Guadalinfo (LL)
New members
In November 2022, new members were identified and joined the ALL-Ready pilot network:
- Germany: EMPHASIS (RI), PFN Hessen (LL)
- Greece: InoFA (LL)
- Switzerland: FiBL On-Farm Network (LL)

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