Living Lab
ROADMAP is a 4-year EU-funded project that will foster transitions towards prudent antimicrobial use (AMU) in animal production in a large variety of contexts, by favouring a rethinking of antimicrobial decision-systems all along the food supply chain.
To foster transitions towards prudent use of antimicrobials (AMs) in animal production in different contexts to manage antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Reduced antimicrobial use (AMU) will be achieved by enhancing antimicrobial decision-systems along the food and drug supply chains. ROADMAP will focus on supporting animal health and welfare through prevention and health promotion actions.
National public bodies/authorities, Local public bodies and municipalities, Researchers/Research institutes, Universities, Advisors, Farmers, Retailers, SMEs, Large companies, Consumers/Consumer organizations.
- Mapping of stakeholders (farmers, advisers, advisory service, Danish agriculture and food council, COOP and MAPP research on consumers
- Share vison with stakeholders
Further information and links
- ROADMAP presentation, held at the 1st pilot network meeting