ADVISOR - Living Lab
Vuela-Guadalinfo is a Social Living Lab network, spread along Andalusia, in little villages under 20.000 inhabitants. The Guadalinfo-Vuela Living Labs are focussed to improve the live conditions and services in the rural areas through the technology. The main goals for Guadalinfo are, improve citizens’ digital skills, fight against depopulation, facilitate e-government and reduce the digital gap between rural and urban areas.
Improve the people opportunities and happiness through technologies and e-services in rural areas.
- 2004: The first Guadalinfo Living Lab started it activity.
- 2008: The project grows to 766 Living Labs in villages under 20.000 inhabitants and neighbourhoods with special needs.
- 2022: Start a new strategy focussed in Digital skills, Digitalization, new technologies, Re-population, programming, videogames, well-being and new services for the rural citizens.
Regional and Provincial Governments.
- E-Government facilitation
- 3D printers trainings
- Arduino and Robotics for citizens projects
- Digital Skills training
- Well-being and Active-Elderly activities
Methods, stakeholder engagements and tools
Guadalinfo’s methodology is based in the connection with the citizens, detecting their technological needs and implementing the tools and services to provide an answer to the users. The main difference with other projects is that every Guadalinfo’s Living Lab is managed by a Coach specialized in new technologies, the use of internet and remarkable social skills. They accompanied the users along their advance improving their Digital Skills and Digitalization process. The capillarity of the Guadalinfo LLs in the rural area, allows achieving a close connection with the young, elderly, unemployed, SMEs and local government.
- Increase a 5% the number of users.
- More than 60.000 users took part in Digital Skills trainings on 2021.
- Launched the New Strategy 2022-2025.
Further information and links
- Vuela Guadalinfo LLs presentation
- Guadalinfo since 2003
- Guadalinfo Distribution in Andalusia: Youtube Video
- Guadalinfo Blog