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ALL-Ready at the OpenLivingLab-Days 2022

ALL-Ready actively participated during this years’ OpenLivingLab Days (OLLD), the annual global gathering of Living Labs organised by the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL), held in Turin, Italy, between 20-23 September. There, INRAE, coordinator of ALL-Ready, organised a round-table during the session of “Agriculture & soil for the time which comes”.

The round-table was moderated by Muriel Mambrini-Doudet (INRAE). Together with the participants Heather McKhann (INRAE, France ALL-Ready Coordinator), Isidora Stojacic (Biosense, Serbia), Gerardo Romero (Guadalinfo, Spain), Guilia Campodonico (ENoLL, Belgium) and Evdokimos Konstantinidis (ENoLL, Belgium), they gave and discussed insights from the ALL-Ready project on setting up a partnership around a network of Agroecology Living Labs (LL) & Research Infrastructures (RIs). In the first part, the fruitful discussion was built up around the frame of the current stake in agriculture for the transition, the diversity of agroecosystems LL and the dimensions from the farm to the overall innovation ecosystem. This included experiences of the participants on accelerating agroecology transition on different levels, e.g. how to run LLs in the agriculture sector, how to include LLs to build rural communities of the future, the role of LLs within the overall value chain and the systemic agroecology transition at the European level. The second part of the round-table was dedicated to LLs to improve soil health. The participants productively debated about main concerns of Soil LLs, what the rural development can bring, the power of LLs to accelerate the transition towards agroecology and healthier soils, and how rural and agroecosystems can act collectively in this issue. Altogether, a very efficient and substantial session.

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